Product contents
Chaga is a medicinal mushroom with valuable and rare properties. Contains chagic and some other organic acids, manganese, cobalt. Chaga (birch mushroom) (Inonotus obliquus (Pers.) Pil. F. Sterilis (Van.) Nikol.) Is a fungus parasitizing on birch in places of damage to the bark of the family of hymenochetes. Popular names: herbalist, black birch mushroom, birch lip. Description: large growths on birches, irregularly rounded, black outside, tobacco-colored inside. At the place of introduction, the spores of the fungus cause rotting of the tree.
The chemical components of Chaga Mushroom Extract Powderinclude polysaccharides, inotoxin, inonotol, and various oxidized triterpenoids. The SOD (superoxide dismutase) contained in it is 55 times of Ganoderma lucidum, 23 times of Brazilian mushroom, 318 times of Phellinus linteus, 25 times of Hericium erinaceus, 31 times of Maitake mushroom. ChagaExtract provided by LY Health are extracted from mycelium and fruit bodies, containing 10%~50% polysaccharides, which are widely used in food and health products.
Chaga extract may improve immune system. Due to its health benefits, It is widely used in the supplements
health products and foods